FAQs & Help

Here are some questions around adding listings.

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1. How Do I Register?
Click > Register

Complete the required fields

Once submitted, you will see this alert

Next, check your registered email account for further instructions, click the link to set your password.

Set your new password.

Once set, you will see this notification, and then be able to login.

Any issues registering, Contact Us.

2. How Do I Claim A Listing?
Start by searching either the Quick Search or Full Search for your club keyword. Be sure to only use the keyword, and not the full name, as some clubs may be listed with a slight variation in name, like Bowling Club v Bowls Club v Lawn Bowling Club etc.

If your club IS listed, Login or Register first, once logged in, follow the steps below:

After going back to the listing, click > Claim Listing.

Complete the short form.

Once submitted, our team will check and approve your claim.

Keep an eye on your email for approval. Once approved, your listing will show in your account.

You can see help videos on our listing help page.

Listing Help Videos

Any issues claiming your listing, Contact Us.

3. How Do I Add My Club?
Before submitting your club, check if your club is already listed, if already listed, you can claim that listing and have it assigned to your account.

If your club is NOT listed, Login or Register first, once logged in, follow the steps below.

Click > Get Listed > Bowling Club

Complete as much information as you can, then submit listing.

You can see help videos on our listing help page.

Listing Help Videos

4. Can I list my event without a club?
The events we list are all location based, therefore are linked to a club.

Contact Us if you have a different type of event and we can work with you to have it added.

Here are some common questions to help you use our website.

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Can I Search Future Dates?
YES, using the explore pages, you can use the filters on the menu and adjust the date range accordingly.

Can I Subscribe To New Listings?
Yes you can, we offer Bowls Alerts so you never miss any new club or event in your chosen area.

Visit the Bowls Alerts page and subscribe today.

Bowls Alerts

What Is Lawn Bowls?
Lawn Bowls is a game that’s easy to start playing but hard to become really good at.

It’s a game where players try to roll their balls, called bowls, as close as possible to a smaller white or yellow ball called the “jack” or “kitty”.

You can play it inside or outside on a special grass or fake grass area called a “green”. The green is divided into sections called “rinks”.

In a singles game, one player starts by flipping a coin to decide who goes first. They lay down a mat and roll the jack to the other end of the green.

Then, players take turns rolling their bowls from the mat towards the jack. They’re trying to make a group of bowls around the jack, called the “head”.

If a bowl goes outside the playing area, it’s out of play.

If a bowl touches the jack or stays in the ditch at the end of the green, it’s still in play.

But if the jack goes into the ditch, it’s still in play unless it goes beyond the side boundary.

After each player has rolled all their bowls, the one whose bowls are closest to the jack scores points.

They get one point for each bowl that’s closer than their opponent’s closest bowl to the jack.

This keeps going for several rounds, or “ends”, until the game is finished.

There are many variations on the standard format, you can see more formats on the Bowls Formats page.

Bowls Formats

Have another question for us?

If you have another question we are always here to help and answer your questions.

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