Fast Green If a bowl is delivered and finishes past the intended target, it is said to have been a “fast bowl”. A green is described as quick when the bowls travel at a faster further over the surface compared to a slow green relative to the same amount of effort required when delivering a bowl.
Feeler GaugeUsed by an umpire or third to judge the distance between the quick jack and one or more bowls, where a bowls measure is too large for use.
Fixed StanceWhen preparing to deliver a bowl, the player positions their feet and legs, and then locks into this position, completing the delivery of the bowl with movement of the upper body only.
Foot FaultIn games where a mat is used, players are required to keep at least one foot on or over the mat during the delivery. A foot fault occurs when this condition is not met. Depending on the rules of competition and the association running the competition, players can be warned, or their bowl can be declared a dead bowl.
Forehand For a right-handed player, delivering a bowl to the right-hand side of the rink, with the bias facing towards the center line of the rink. For a left-handed player, delivering a bowl to the left-hand side of the rink, with the bias facing towards the center line of the rink.
Four Wood SinglesThe traditional singles variation of the game. However, it can be played with a different number of woods, resulting in two wood singles.
FoursA team game where each team consists of four (4) players, a lead, second, third and a skip.
Front DitchThe ditch at the end of the green which is directly in front of a player when they stand on the mat.
Full CountScoring the maximum number of possible shots in an end where every bowl from all players in the one team are closest to the jack than the nearest opposition bowl.