Bowls Glossary

There are currently 3 Bowls Glossary items in this directory beginning with the letter U.
An official nominated by the competition organiser to provide adjudication of the rules of competition, and to interpret the rules of bowls in the event of a dispute. Once an umpire is called, the decision of the umpire is final and binding on all players involved in the dispute.

Refers to a bowl or jack that has no bias. In most forms of the sport, the jack does not have a bias, and some indoor versions of the sport also have bowls with no bias. Crown green Bowls have both a biased jack and bowl.

Expression to confirm if you or your team have one or more bowls closest to the jack. If a marker is providing this information in a singles game, the marker can also indicate this status by holding a clenched fist upwards towards the sky.

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